Swift Constants & Variable

Ferdous Mahmud Akash

Ferdous Mahmud Akash

· 2 min read
Swift constants and variable

Swift Constants and Variables

In Swift, we can store value with the help of variables and constants. Constants are used to store values that can't be changed, while variables are used to store values that can be updated later. Let's discuss about how to declare them and the difference between constants and variables in swift.

Declaring Constants

To declare a constant in Swift, we use the `let` keyword followed by the name of the constant and its initial value. Here's an example:

let nameOfAuthor = "Ferdous Mahmud Akash"

In this example, `nameOfAuthor` is a constant that stores the value of the author's name `Ferdous Mahmud Akash`.

Declaring Variable

To declare a variable in Swift, we use the `var` keyword followed by the name of the variable and its initial value. Here's an example:

var currentlyLearning = "Swift"

In this example, `currentlyLearning` is a variable that stores the value `Swift`. In the future, we can change the value. For example:

currentlyLearning = "Core Data"

In this example, we can update the `currentlyLearning` variables value.

Differences Between Constants and Variables

The main difference between constants and variables is that constants cannot be changed once they are initialized, while variables can be updated to store new values. This means that if you try to assign a new value to a constant, you will get a compiler error.

nameOfAuthor = "Harry" // This will produce a compiler error

Choosing Between Constants and Variables

When deciding whether to use a constant or a variable, it's important to think about whether the value you're storing will change over time. If the value won't change, use a constant. If the value might change, use a variable.

Using constants can make your code safer and more efficient, since you know that the value won't change unexpectedly. However, using variables can be more flexible and allow you to store changing data.


In this blog post, we discussed how to declare and use constants and variables in Swift. We also discussed the differences between constants and variables and when to use each one. By understanding these concepts, you can write more efficient and flexible Swift code.

Ferdous Mahmud Akash

About Ferdous Mahmud Akash

Hey there! I'm a self-taught iOS developer from Bangladesh.

I'm also passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with other aspiring developers through my blog at ferdousmahmud.co

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