iOS Development Learning Path for beginner

Ferdous Mahmud Akash

Ferdous Mahmud Akash

· 4 min read
iOS development learning path for beginner

The core skills you need to be an iOS developer.

Swift, SwiftUI, Working with data, Networking, and Version control is the most demanding skill for an iOS developer.

Let's break down these core skills into steps ...

1. Introduction to the iOS development environment

2. Introduction to SWIFT Programming language

3. Introduction to View Controller & Views

4. Device alignment with Auto-Layout

  • Introduction to Auto-layout.
  • Working with constraints.
  • Using constraints to change view sizes.
  • Programmatically control the views.

5. App Security

6. Firebase authentication

  • Connecting with Social Network.
  • Phone Authentication.

7. Firebase database

  • Introduction to Cloud Firestore.
  • Save Data in Cloud Firestore Database.

8. Firebase ML Kit

  • Introduction to Firebase ML kit.
  • Image-to-Text conversion using ML kit.

9. Connect with the Local Database

  • Introduction to data storage methods in iOS.
  • Introduction to SQLite Database.
  • Understanding SQL query.
  • Using Core Data.
  • Save data in SQLite database.
  • User Defaults, Property List.

10. Web Services

  • What are web services?
  • Why do we use web-services
  • How apps function with the help of web-services
  • Introduction to different web services
  • JSON parsing
  • Introduction to RSS feed
  • Get data from the RSS feed
  • Using Different Kinds of methods in Web Services
  • Get and POST methods

11. Connect with Hardware

  • Capturing images using the camera
  • Getting images from the gallery
  • Capturing Video using the camera
  • Control Rear & Front Camera
  • Playing Audio and Video
  • Playing video online
  • Sending mail and SMS from the app

12. Google Map integration

  • Introduction to Google Map
  • Show current location in Google Map
  • Show Near Location
  • Draw a line in Google Map
  • Measure the distance between two location
  • Show traffic in Google Map

13. Google Ads Integration

  • Introduction to Google Admob
  • Integrate Google Banner Ads
  • Integrate Google Interstitial Ads

14. Push Notification

  • Introduction to Notification
  • NSNotification and NSNotificationCenter, UILocalNotifications.
  • Push Notification services
  • Firebase cloud messaging
  • OneSignal

15. Troubleshooting App

  • Debugging

16. Version Control

  • Git/Bitbucket

17. App Launch

  • Introduction to BundleID, AppID, certificates
  • Making a build
  • Posting the app to App Store
  • Using TestFlight

Follow these steps to become a self-taught iOS developer. Hope it will help you to achieve your carrier goal. Thank you for your potions.

Happy learning 🚀

Ferdous Mahmud Akash

About Ferdous Mahmud Akash

Hey there! I'm a self-taught iOS developer from Bangladesh.

I'm also passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with other aspiring developers through my blog at

Thank you for visiting my website, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just want to say hello!

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