Use Multiple Version of Xcode on the Same Mac

Ferdous Mahmud Akash

Ferdous Mahmud Akash

· 2 min read
XCODE Setup & Installation
I will show you three ways of installing Xcode and making it ready for iOS development and how to use multiple Xcode version together.

1. Simple and easy way

  • Go to AppStore -> Search for Xcode -> Install it.

2. Install Xcode pro way. (Use multiple Xcode versions Together)

  • Go to your favorite search engine and search for "Xcode xip"
  • Click the stack overflow link or direct link here
  • Download the latest or your desired version
  • Simply install it
  • To use more Xcode versions together
  • Before installing another version rename current
  • Rename "Xcode" to "Xcode-VersionName"
  • Now install the new Xcode
  • To get back your previous version simply rename the current one

3. Most efficient and convenient way (Use multiple Xcode versions Together)

If your want to automate the second way you can use Xcodes command line tools or graphical user interface tools like XcodesApp.

Command line tool (Xcodes) installation:

  • Open terminal and type this command
brew install robotsandpencils/made/xcodes

It will install Xcodes terminal tools for Xcode multiple version management.

  • To install a specific version of Xcode using a command like one of these:
xcodes install 10.2.1
xcodes install 11 Beta 7
xcodes install 11.2 GM seed
xcodes install 9.0 --path ~/Archive/Xcode_9.xip
xcodes install --latest-prerelease
xcodes install --latest --directory "/Volumes/Bag Of Holding/"
xcodes install --latest --experimental-unxip

This is one of the best command-line tool to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode.

Graphical UI tool (XcodesApp) installation:

  • To install simply type this command on your terminal
brew install --cask xcodes
  • Or download form here

The easiest way to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode - with a mouse click.

Hope this tricks will help you. Enjoy 😊

Ferdous Mahmud Akash

About Ferdous Mahmud Akash

Hey there! I'm a self-taught iOS developer from Bangladesh.

I'm also passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with other aspiring developers through my blog at

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